So what is a civil ceremony?
And is it different from a marriage or a wedding?Confused? Well here goes! A Marriage is the legally recognised union of two people – the legal bit, when you sign the register and are given your marriage certificate. A Wedding is the ceremonial part, which can include the legal bit if you want it to. […]

So what is a Celebrant?
So what is a Celebrant? We can talk about ceremonies till the cows come home (it’s our passion after all) but the question we still keep hearing is “So what is a Celebrant and why would I use one?” It can be confusing. The dictionary says a Celebrant is “A person who performs a rite […]

But aren’t Independent Celebrants expensive?
But aren’t Independent Celebrants expensive? This is what you can expect from Independent Celebrants like The Ceremony People, so what do you think… • years of experience at your disposal, with help and advice on every aspect of your ceremony • a tailor-made ceremony, written for you by someone you’ve met and really got to […]